• Ways Your Chiropractor Can Help With Whiplash

    As a condition that many people associate with car crashes, whiplash has the power to make your life difficult. Although it's true that whiplash can occur following a car crash, other accidents can cause it too. If the incident you're involved in pushes your neck muscles beyond their normal range of motion, whiplash can occur. Although whiplash can resolve in a matter of weeks or months, some people suffer from it for years.
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  • Protecting Your Teeth in Contact Sports

    Protecting your teeth whilst taking part in martial arts training is hugely important if you want to minimise the risk of damaging or breaking the enamel. Whilst this may seem like only superficial damage, it can actually lead to more complex issues such as infections in the gums which can in some cases, lead to infections in other parts of the body. One of the easiest ways to stop this is to buy an orthodontist-approved mouthguard.
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  • Military Massage - Staying Fit to Fight

    A 'Tab' (Tactical Advance into Battle) is a style of military training that requires men and women of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to both walk and run whilst carrying a weighted rucksack, and often a rifle. This type of training, whilst fantastic for strength and cardiovascular fitness, can really take a toll on the body because of the demanding off-balanced loads that are carried over difficult terrain. Because of this, it's not uncommon for muscle imbalances to form, particularly in the lumbar region of the back and legs resulting in muscles that become tense and sore.
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  • Guide On Choosing Pallbearers For Your Loved One's Funeral

    If you're planning a funeral service for a departed loved-one, one aspect that you will need to consider are the pall bearers who will carry the deceased's coffin from the hearse into funeral venue and out again after the service for transport to the burial ground or crematorium.  But how do you decide who to invite to carry out this important task?  Here's some helpful advice. Who to choose as a pallbearer
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  • Counselling for people in an arranged marriage

    Many long and happy marriages have started as arranged marriages, with the participants growing to love each other over time. Relationship counselling can be a great tool to help married couples resolve any issues that they are struggling to resolve as a couple.  Here are some of the topics that can be discussed in relationship counselling that may be particularly relevant for arranged marriages.  The role of each family of origin in your new family
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  • Why Should You Choose Progressive Lenses Over Bifocals?

    You've probably heard of bifocals, and you'll almost certainly have seen someone wearing them. Bifocals have two separate lens strengths, and there's either a line separating those two parts or a separate bubble towards the bottom. They used to be perfect for people who needed glasses for both distance and close-up vision, but now you can have something better: progressive lenses. Like bifocals, glasses with progressive lenses provide multiple lens strengths, but those differing strengths are delivered in one seamless lens.
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  • Running with Flat Feet? 4 Reasons You Need Special Sports Insoles

    If you've been diagnosed with flat feet, it's likely that you'll need to slip special insoles into your shoes to provide proper support while you're walking. Due to the rigorous nature of running, having insoles in your running shoes is particularly important, but you can't use any old kind. The differences in motion and the elevated activity level involved in running means that you should buy special sport insoles for your trainers instead of the more basic kind you use in your everyday shoes.
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