Are You Concerned About Bladder Cancer?

Posted on: 23 April 2020

If you have noticed blood in your urine, then it is important to arrange for an examination by a medical professional at the earliest opportunity. Haematuria or blood in the urine may not be painful, but it is a common symptom of bladder cancer. Other symptoms can include lower back pain and a burning sensation while passing urine. There are various types of bladder cancer, but it generally occurs when abnormal cells within the bladder begin to develop and divide in an uncontrolled manner.

What causes bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer is common in those aged over sixty, although it can also develop in much younger people. There are various factors which can influence the likelihood that you will develop bladder cancer; these include smoking, inflammation of the bladder and exposure to certain chemicals. If you suspect you could have bladder cancer, then speak to a medical professional about bladder cancer treatment without delay.

Identifying bladder cancer

Before bladder cancer treatment can begin, you will need to undergo tests to ensure that the problem has been correctly diagnosed. The tests used to diagnose bladder cancer that your medical team recommends may include both urine and blood tests as CT and ultrasound scans. The scans will be used to obtain a picture of your organs and identify any tumours that may be present. However, the main technique used to identify bladder cancer is a cystoscopy and biopsy. A cystoscopy will examine the bladder internally. A biopsy will collect samples of any abnormal tissues which are identified.

Bladder cancer treatment

Treatment will vary depending on what stage the cancer has reached and where it is located. Bladder cancer treatment options include radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery to remove the cancerous tumours. You could also be offered immunotherapy which uses a vaccine to stimulate your immune system and delay or stop the cancer. To find out more about which bladder cancer treatment would be most effective in your situation, it is vital that you speak to qualified medical professionals. They will be best placed to arrange for you to undergo the appropriate tests so that the stage of your cancer can be correctly identified. Once your condition has been determined they will be able to explain your options and guide you towards the best bladder cancer treatment options for your case. In most circumstances, bladder cases which are identified at an early stage can be treated successfully using the treatment options described earlier.


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